Note: This is a prototype for a shooter game I have been working on. If you want to allow the game to save your progress, I recommend downloading and playing the executable file, which supports that feature. The executable works only for Windows though, so... sorry everybody else :(


In Between is a chaotic shooter game where the player must use his abilities and quick thinking to defeat 4 different types of enemies that spawn rapidly with the sole intent of not allowing you to climb to the top. 


You are a square, tasked with defeating many other squares in order to get to and beat the 100th level in the game. When completing a level, depending on whether you won or lost, you move forward or backwards a random amount of levels. You finish the game when you get to the 100th level and manage to demolish every single enemy there, so goooooooddd luuccckkk! 


There are four different enemies that are trying to hurt you, one hit and you lose! Luckily you got a few powerful weapons and abilities to help you destroy your foes:

  • Pistol: Rapidly fires projectiles that deal low damage to enemies. I recommend holding down the left-mouse button to shoot a lot of bullets  really fast.
  • Grenade Launcher: Shoots powerful grenades which deal double damage to enemies. If the grenades explode close enough to enemies, the explosion knocks them out and send them flying into other foes, dealing damage on impact.
  • Paralysis Shield: A shield that blocks projectiles from Red Squares and paralyzes enemies for a period of time. When enemies are paralyzed they cannot move and do not deal any damage to the player on impact.
  • Running Shield: When running, the you are surrounded by a green shield, which knocks enemies away forcefully. If you knock away a paralyzed enemy, the force deals damage but also sends the enemy away flying, dealing damage to other enemies on impact (double damage when the enemy is flying fast enough). If the enemy is not paralyzed, you still deal damage and knock away the enemy but the shield deactivates, which forces you to have to reactivate the shield when needed.

  • Tip: You can jump whenever you want in the game, both on ground and in the air


The game is designed to be played using a keyboard and mouse.  This chapter explains how to perform the basic actions in the game

Move left, move rightA, D
Zoom in/outMouse Wheel
RunShift (Hold)
Shoot projectileLeft mouse button
Switch to pistol mode
Switch to grenade launcher mode2
Activate paralysis shield
Right mouse button (hold)


This game uses a pixel art wallpaper from


  • Þór Breki Davíðsson 


Download 29 MB

Install instructions

When downloading, unzip the folder, and in the root level there is an InBetweenGame.exe file which you run to play the game. All the other files and folders need to exist and be where they originally were for the game to run and function correctly. Have fun!

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